Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Kiwanis: People that Care

J. Y. Calcano
May 22, 2017

The Heroes of Kiwanis 

Who or what are Kiwanis?

My first impression was, "Oh crap... a cult." I dreaded a circle of holding hands and a quick “Dear Being From Beyond” preamble followed by a prayer I could not join and my sad withdrawal behind a polite smile
Nothing of the sort.
Despite a name that made me think of loin cloths, painted faces, and feathered spears Kiwanis was a group of individuals who simply wanted to help children and those in need. They didn't ask for anything in return.  They didn't ask for recognition. They wanted nothing but the satisfaction of a good deed.
Seriously. Talk about endangered.
How did I become involved with these fools; these individuals who gave of themselves to help people they would, in most cases, never meet? As all things horrible and millennial, I blame social media. Curse you modern age.
These dastardly Good Samaritans roped me in through the Meetup App and into their group: Orlando Volunteers.
As a stranger to Orlando, a traveler from Puerto Rico seeking greener pastures, I wanted to meet others who shared the on-and-off itch to help for the sake of helping.
Camp Challenge popped on my browser. From the meetup:

Camp Challenge's mission is to provide safe, fun, and fair recreational activities for children and adults with physical disabilities and special needs in an outdoor environment. You can learn more about the camp at their website

Guess what happened? I'll tell you. Since you asked.... *shifty eyes*....
About fifteen people went into a multi-room cabin and spent two happy and communal hours talking while slapping brown paint on just about everything vertical. Rhinos didn’t rampage. No one sang Klingon opera. Megan Fox didn’t dance for us.... so much the pity. We worked, shared an uplifting moment, and left with a feeling of satisfaction.
There was some attempt to recruit the newcomers, but it was a simple invitation to see and experience. Being part of Kiwanis was not a necessity for helping. There was no entrance exam. There was no coercion.

**There was no Witch Doctor in a corner chanting “One of Us. One of Us” while holding a doll dressed in cleverly tailored  Dorito bags. That never happened. Never.**

I thank my new Kiwanis friends for the experience. I thank them for being out there, in the shadows and lack thereof, helping without an ulterior motive. I thank them and invite others to partake from this wonderful atmosphere that shows there really is good out there in the world. There is no need to join Kiwanis. Just meet them. Grab a brush and paint a little joy in a child's heart.

I am an independent novelist, poet, and general bum with a joy for the written word.

My Twitter: @JYCalcanoauthor Twitter Account Page
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